Religion is a multifaceted phenomenon with many different beliefs, practices and experiences. The academic study of religion involves a wide range of disciplines, including anthropology, history, philosophy, religious studies, sociology, psychology and cognitive science. The definition of religion is an ongoing debate that cuts across these disciplines. The goal of this article is to introduce readers to the many different approaches that scholars use to understand the concept of religion.
The most common approaches to the study of religion are monothetic, that is they operate under the classical view that every accurate description of a particular entity will share some defining property that places it in that category. More recently, however, the field of social science has shifted toward polythetic approaches. These abandon the classical model in favor of treating the concepts of phenomena as having a prototype structure. This approach to the study of religion aims for an understanding of the complexity of religion by considering the characteristics that most accurately distinguish it from other concepts.
One such attribute is the idea that religion is a system of beliefs and practices which creates a moral community. This view of religion was originally articulated by Emile Durkheim. Other sociological functionalists, such as Max Weber and Karl Marx, subsequently developed the idea that religion is a force which binds individuals into a society.
Anthropologists have also used the concept of religion to examine human culture. Clifford Geertz has emphasized the importance of seeing religious symbols as the products of cultural processes, rather than just reflecting the beliefs or desires of the people who perform them. This approach has led to a greater appreciation of the symbolic dimension of religion.
Psychological studies of religion attempt to analyze the psychological processes that drive specific beliefs and behaviors, such as the idea that God is a source of personal strength. These studies often utilize a variety of research methodologies, such as participant observation, introspection, and interviews. The most important aspect of this approach is recognizing that religion is not just something that happens in the mind, but is an outward expression of spirituality and identity.
While some social institutions, such as economics, change rapidly from one era to another, religions usually change much more slowly and retain older features. This slowness can make it difficult to identify the “religious core” of a culture.
Those who wish to define religion, or at least understand it more fully, must consider the enormous diversity of beliefs and practices worldwide. This vast range is not easily accommodated by a single, substantive definition, since it would include beliefs and practices that most people do not regard as religions at all. Moreover, it is difficult to develop a functional definition that is valid in all cultures, given the culturally specific features of religions. The study of religion is therefore a very challenging task. Nonetheless, it is vital to the proper functioning of our society. Religion helps to bring order and meaning into the lives of most people, and it should be treated as a serious and important subject in both the workplace and the classroom.